morning people..
weww, keknya hari ini anak-anak SMA pada coret"an yak
secara hari ini pengumuman hasil UAN
congratz ya buat kalian yang lulus
barusan tadi, waktu kuliah advance accounting, tiba" aja ada sms yang bikin ngantukku buyar
waktu aku baca smsnya, ternyata dari sepupuku yang hari ini terima hasil UAN
kata dia gini : " kaakk, rahtu lulus lhoooo .. hahahaha :D "
untung deh tu anak satu lulus..
ngomong" lulus"an gitu, jadi inget deh masa" deg-degan menuju UAN
trus, masa-masa (lebih) deg-degan menuju pengumuman UAN SMA
rasanya puas banget waktu denger pengumuman kalo SMANSA denpasar LULUS 100%
legaa bangett
tapi, setelah hari itu, aku mulai sadar
mulai hari ini, sesaat setelah aku keluar dari gerbang SMAku tercinta, i'm not a kid anymore
mulai saat itu, otakku malah makin berpikir keras..
ntar mau jadi apa yaa?
mau kuliah dimana?
mau kerja apa ya nanti?
and the sky, and the sky..
hal" macem gitu mulai ngebayangin, sampe ngga bisa tidur
finally, i made a really hard decision
i decided to leave bali, and went to surabaya to continue my study
hell yeah..
then i'm here...far away from home, and try to do my best only to make a big smile in my daddy's face, whenever he read my 'end of semester evaluation'
this is for my future..
and of course you guys had to make your own decision too
what would you do, right after you graduated from your high school?
what would you do for your life?
would you just stuck on your old life?
come on guys, let us make a change.. make a big change in our life
its such a hard decision to make, i know..
but one day you guys will smile, you finally reach your success because a brave decision you made in the past
just think about it.. and make a choice
its your time..
good luck for a new life that waiting for you, dear freshman..
god bless you all :)
ooh, ngomongin masa SMA, i would like to share my wonderful memories with my high school friends..
i miss them all so much !!
jadi kangen deh sama orang" ini
wait for me guys..40 more days, i'll be in bali
lets have some fun in bali
have a blessing day people :)